Property Manager
and sundry utilities

What is here?

This project consists of libraries and utilities that I developed over time and which I found very useful, of which a "property manager" is one small part.  It is extremely misnamed, but so be it.  Here-in you can find the following:

nssilib This is a library containing useful routines for:
tagged logging
argument vector management
string management
timer queue
property management
NSLink client API for querying and updating properties stored in NSLinkd
hotmon A hotfolder daemon configurable via the property manager.  This can monitor any directory or set of directories, watch for changes to files, look for files matching regular expressions, etc. and perform some action or set of actions on those files.
Note: This was originally developed to work with FTM, a "File Transfer Monitor" daemon and would send files about the network using the FTP protocol.  Unfortunately I cannot offer FTM in this package as I developed it for a client and they now own it.  Perhaps one day I will write something similar as a replacement.
NSLinkd A daemon that manages properties, connects to other NSLinkd daemons through the network, and replicates properties to ensure "nearness" to the clients.
nslcmd A command line interface to NSLinkd
pmu The Property Manager Utility.  This command line utility is useful for debugging complex property files.  It can pretend to be any application that uses the property manager and provide traces as to how a property is resolved.
t_* A collection of simple test utilities


Format Description
OpenOffice .odt Property Manager API
OpenOffice .odt Hotmon Users Guide
OpenOffice .odt Tagged Message Logging
OpenOffice .odt Project Standards
Note: Depending on your browser you may need to RMB (Right Mouse Button) on a document's link and select "Save Link As .."

Getting the source from CVS

On your local machine open a shell window and "cd" to the directory where you'd like the source code deposited.  Then enter the following commands:
cvs login

If you are prompted for a password just hit the ENTER key.  You may get an error about no .cvspass file .. ignore it.
cvs -z3 co -P common

The above will check out common files such as project headers, make file definitions, etc.
cvs -z3 co -P propmgr

This gets you the meat of the source code.



You will need the following tools:

banner This is a little program that, given a string, displays it in large letters across the screen.  It is not necessary to build this project but is fun to have.  With it your "make" process will show you each component that it is working on.  Without it you will just get harmless error messages that it cannot find "banner".  Your linux distribution may include this as "sysvbanner".  If you google for "sysbanner" I am sure that you can find the sources.  Built it and rename it to "banner" in some directory in your $PATH.
cproto Builds prototype statements from C source code files.  The propmgr system dynamically builds prototypes and puts them into "*.ph" files in the "proto/" directory beneath each component..
Note:  Unfortunately cproto is stalled at version 4.6 and has not been updated since October, 2000.  You will need at least version 4.6c (the CVS version) as there is a bug in it that has been corrected in the CVS repository.  Please follow the directions on the project home page and build a copy from CVS.  Then make sure that this is the copy that appears first in your PATH.

I find that the following sequence works pretty well:
mkdir src
cd src
cvs login
    <ENTER to the password prompt>
cvs -z3 co -P cproto
cd cproto/
cp cproto /usr/local/bin/
Gnu make This comes with any modern linux distribution.
bash The shell scripts, particularly those kicked off by the make process, are written for bash.  Once upon a time they were compatible with ksh and they may still be, but no guarantees.


There is a script in the common/scripts directory named "project" which is very useful for switching from project to project and setting up your environment for you.  Copy this to an area in your path and source it either directly from the shell or by way of your .bashrc or .bash_profile.  The "project" script looks for an ASCII text file in your home area named ".projects".  The format is simple: a name followed by white space and then a directory.

Sourcing the "project" file (for example via ". /usr/local/bin/project" assuming that you put it in the /usr/local/bin directory) will add a couple of commands to your shell (via aliases):

project name The name field is looked up in your $HOME/.projects file, either as a direct match or as the best abbreviation of it.  If found then the script will:
  1. Change to the directory associated with that name
  2. Remove all directories of your previous project from CDPATH
  3. Source a hidden ".project" directory if one exists in that directory
  4. Add all subdirectories from the new project to your CDPATH.  This lets you simply "cd component" to quickly change to any component directory within the project.
project When given by itself (with no argument) the "project" command will change to the top directory of the existing project.  If no project has yet been set then an error message is displayed.
project ?
These two commands are equivalent, they both will list out the projects that you have defined in your $HOME/.projects file.

You will need to create a .projects file in your home directory.  Assuming that you've put the CVS sources into $HOME/src then you might create the file to look like this:

common ~/src/common
propmgr ~/src/propmgr

Once you have done this you can then simply type "project common" to quickly go to the root of your "common" area or "project propmgr" to go to the root of the property manager area.  In addition your .project files from each area will be sourced and thus your environment setup.  Btw you may want to look at the default .project files in the root of both areas to ensure that they are setup correctly.

Build the common area

The common area must be built first as this contains project wide definitions and a header file generated for your specific system (typedefs.h).  Build this using the following commands:
project common

Note that the above assumes that you've named the common area "common" in your .projects file.  Substitute the appropriate name if you chose something different.

Upon completion of the make (which will be very fast) you should see something similar to the following:
> ls bin
BumpBuild  cc_intr.sgi

> ls include
defines.h  p_acc.h  p_icc.h     project.h  p_sgi.h     typedefs.h
nstypes.h  p_gcc.h  platform.h  projend.h  p_sunpro.h

The "lib/" directory will be empty as there are no libraries produced.

Build the property manager

This is equally simple and requires the following commands:
project propmgr

At the conclusion you should be able to do the following:
> ls bin
hostent  NSLsr  Updater
hotmon   nslcmd           NSLinkd          nslog             pmu

> ls include
argv.h  memlib.h      objmgr.h   symbol.h       ftplib.h  nsplog.h   property.h
attribute.h   msgtag.h     path.h  timemgr.h  hash.h  nsregexp.h     siglib.h
crc32.h     nslapi.h   pidfile.h      help.h  nssocklib.h  strlib.h
daetach.h     nslog.h  proclib.h

> ls lib

About the process

The top level make for each project (common and propmgr) builds all of the components beneath it and creates areas (such as "bin/", "include", "lib") into which each component exports its product.  Thus the "bin/" directory receives executables, the "include/" receives include files, and the "lib/" receives libraries.

Components may also separately be built.  You can "cd ~/src/propmgr/nssilib" and then "make" to build just that library component.

A top level build is done in multiple passes.  During the first pass the source code is scanned for functions and ".ph" files are produced, each containing the prototype definitions for the corresponding source file.  To reduce clutter these are deposited into a "proto/" subdirectory within the component area.  Prototype files that are important to external components (for example if this component is a library) are exported to the project's include/ area.  Dependency files are also built during this pass and similarly deposted to a separate "depend/" subdirectory within the component area.

The second pass is used to allow each component to post intermediate files to the top-level project directories.  Thus libraries may export their include and prototype files so that other components can access them.

The third pass is where the actual build of each component occurs.  All object files are accumulated into "obj/" subdirectories.  The product file is then built and left in the top level component area.

The last pass allows each component to "post" what it produced into the project's "bin/", "/include/", or "lib/" area.

Note that the top level Makefile has a special rule called "CheckProducts"  If you do a "make CheckProducts" this will descend the build area and check that each product was actually built and successfully posted to its respective area. Logo